Thursday, February 19, 2009


Nothing Is Impossible

In most Asian countries, passing the exam to apply to University is not really easy for students, who have just graduated from high school. I will never forget my feelings when I passed this exam because it changed my life to a better way.

In high school, I was really a naughty student, so my parents often received complaints from my teachers. My parents tried to change my mind because they were fed up with complaints from others about me. Until the last year in high school, my character really changed significantly. I realized that knowledge was the most important thing that could lead me to a better life in the future. Therefore, I tried to concentrate on my studies and I didn’t waste my time anymore. I registered in 2 universities although no one, except my parents, could believe that I would pass in this exam. However, I didn’t care about that and my parents still believe in my choice. As a result of working hard, I finally got the good result that I and my parents had expected before. Although I just passed one university among two universities, I was very happy. I screamed very loudly after checking my result on the Internet. My parents were also very happy and proud of their son.

Although it was 3 years ago, I have still recalled those feelings. Since then, my life has really changed. I have believed in myself and my ability.


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