Friday, March 13, 2009

Playing Soccer

For a long time, Soccer, the most popular sport in the world, has become an essential element of many people. Thus, Soccer has attracted millions of fans in many countries. Soccer is not too complex to play if you follow these simple steps.

The first step is to make sure whether you are healthy enough or not before making your decision to play soccer. Soccer is really a good sport to improve your health; however, it will be very dangerous if you have any heart problems when playing soccer. In fact, running and moving a lot on large fields, 100-110 m length and 64-75 in width, require us a physical strength to adapt to this sport. The second step is searching for information about soccer in books or on the Internet. Different laws are always designed to apply to different sports and soccer is also has over 17 laws. Thus, one of the prime parts before playing soccer, even other sports, is that you have to know its rules. After leaning the soccer rules, you have to prepare necessary equipment in order to play it better and protect yourself from serious injuries. For example, the
basic equipment for players includes a shirt, shorts, socks, footwear and gloves if they are goalkeepers. Finally, you should register to join in a team before going to play soccer. You could decide to register in a small team that has 6 people or a bigger team as usual, 11 people. It depends on your ability and skills about playing soccer.

By following these steps, soccer is pretty simple to play for everyone and also good for your health. If you have no experiences about soccer, let’s try and enjoy it!

The compare and contrast essay

Gifts in America and Vietnam

For a long time, people have been using gifts for different purposes. Some people use gifts to share or show off wealth; whereas, others give gifts to offset misfortune. However, the prime purpose is that a gift is not only an expression of love or friendship of givers but also can be an expression of gratitude for a gift received. As a result, in both the USA and Vietnam, giving a gift is an important part of life. Some of their gift customs are very similar, but many are quite different.

First, let us look at some of the things they have in common. The first similarity is that both Vietnamese and American people like to give gifts for special occasions such as births, marriages and special days of the year. Moreover, in the US, people also give presents simply because they feel like it, even when there is no special occasion, and Vietnamese people do this too. For instance, many Vietnamese and American students often receive gifts from their parents when passing an examination. These gifts, such as new laptops, cell phones, and the iPods, are considered worthy rewards and encourage their children to learn better. Finally, in the past, neither America nor Vietnam celebrated Valentine’s Day, but now you will find lovers exchanging flowers and chocolates, which have become a symbol of love, in both countries.

On the other hand, there are some differences between the Americans and the Vietnamese people when giving gifts. In Vietnam, the most important time for exchanging gifts is New Year, but in the US, it is Christmas. The Vietnamese and other East Asian people often give children and exchange each other lucky money, a red pocket, which is expected as a good luck and to avoid evil spirits in the New Year. Unlike Vietnamese people, most of Americans consider Christmas is the most important time of the year to give and exchange gifts each other. Another difference is that American people usually take some gifts, usually food, fruits, a bottle of wine or some flowers when they visit the host’s family. However, Vietnamese people don’t do this. Although the Vietnamese could be happy to accept your offer, they could express that they already had it or don’t need it, so they usually refuse guest’s gifts in the first time or even the second time. Finally, for Vietnamese people, gift giving is an important part of doing business, but in America it is not so important. In fact, many Vietnamese people or companies give gifts, which could be considered as bribery, to others because of individual interest or private benefits.

In conclusion, there is no gift custom that everyone completely agrees will be the best. Some people might like the Vietnamese gift customs and others might like the American gift customs. In my opinion, although Vietnamese and American people come from very different cultures both express their love and respect for others through giving presents.